Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Product Review - Laptop Tripod Tethering Platform for Photographers

Reprint of review received via email from a photographer using the Tether Table.

I have been having a lot of fun with my new toy, a laptop stand for tethered photography.

The Tether Table fits on all my stands and tripods, as well as Superclamps and all the other equipment in my bag.  No more lugging a bulky table to shoots or having my assistant hold the computer.

Makes life a little easier and clients love working off the computer instead for the camera LCD.  It is very sleek and clean looking and very professional.  I have received a number of compliments from clients.

They also have some really cool accessories available.  One being a plastic device called the JerkStopper.  It holds the tethering cable in place so there is no stress or tension on the camera plug.  Really smart idea and works great.  Super easy to use and makes sense in case the cable gets bumped or snagged.

The Tether Table is a very worthwhile product and I give it my highest recommendation; not sure what that is, let's say I give it 5 out of 5 F-Stops. :)

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