Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Warren Ukah

Warren Ukah, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I was walking my dog in the park by my house Sunday and I see this guy practicing soccer drills; he is doing some really advance techniques. of course this interests me, so I stop and talk with him for a few minutes. It turns out it is the professional soccer player, Warren Ukah. He was visiting here over the holidays.

Warren is a tremendous player; he was named to the 2007-2008 MISL All Rookie Team. And a really nice guy too.

Not having my camera too far away he was gracious enough to let me snap some images of him working out. Thanks Warren.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chalk It Up

Chalk It Up, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I was playing billiards a few weeks ago and caught this shot of an opponent chalking his cue. I really liked the way the chalk dust falls off of the cue.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stalled Steel

Stalled Steel, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

This is one of the many half built projects around the globe hit hard by the economy. Half of the 14 story building's steel has been exposed to the air and salt water for close to 3 years. Can they ever finish the project it or will it have to be torn down completely?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Balancing Act

Balancing Act, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

This Egret was sitting on my neighbors roof for about 2 hours, completely motionless last week. As the sun began to set, I thought I would go into the backyard to see what I could shoot. All of a sudden the bird began to stretch and I caught a couple of images. He then when back to his motionless position late into the eventing and was gone by morning.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gnome Drama

Gnome Drama, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

It is a fairly involved story but to summarize; the Travelocity Gnome escaped from my wife's office and was a stowaway in a bag of Xmas party supplies. The supply bag ended up at our house and when Tom, our house gnome, met the intruder he freaked out. We tried to explain to Tom that he was just out exploring and meant no harm but it did not turn out well. The holiday's can be a stressful time.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Soaring, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I saw this gorgeous bird flying and waiting for him to cross into the clouds to get the shot. Not positive on the type of bird but I think it is a hawk. Any Autobahn people out to provide some help?

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Hunt is On

The Hunt is On, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Out in the park this weekend, Jack honed in some gopher scents and went looking to make "friends". Fortunately he is all bark and no bite.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Living Room Sunset

Living Room Sunset, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

This was taken over the Thanksgiving holiday. The sun was setting over the ocean and I noticed the light reflecting back into the living room. That really intrigued me and I was able to capture this still life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Garlic Mash Potatoes

Garlic Mash Potatoes, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Just back from a wonderful Thanksgiving break. These are some great garlic mash potatoes my sister made. The whole meal was fantastic.