Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Product Review - Laptop Tripod Tethering Platform for Photographers

Reprint of review received via email from a photographer using the Tether Table.

I have been having a lot of fun with my new toy, a laptop stand for tethered photography.

The Tether Table fits on all my stands and tripods, as well as Superclamps and all the other equipment in my bag.  No more lugging a bulky table to shoots or having my assistant hold the computer.

Makes life a little easier and clients love working off the computer instead for the camera LCD.  It is very sleek and clean looking and very professional.  I have received a number of compliments from clients.

They also have some really cool accessories available.  One being a plastic device called the JerkStopper.  It holds the tethering cable in place so there is no stress or tension on the camera plug.  Really smart idea and works great.  Super easy to use and makes sense in case the cable gets bumped or snagged.

The Tether Table is a very worthwhile product and I give it my highest recommendation; not sure what that is, let's say I give it 5 out of 5 F-Stops. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's a Record?

What's a Record?, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I had the urge to listen to some of my old record albums this weekend. I really miss holding the album art and linear notes. It's just not the same on the computer monitor. Those records sound so good.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Josh Simons will debut in Creativa's Arizona

Josh Simons will debut in Creativa's Arizona 10+ book this summer as one of our architectural photographers. See more of Josh's work in the upcoming "The Arizona Photographers 10+" book or by clicking on his site from the link below.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big Dig

Big Dig, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

SRP digging up our streets to lay all new power lines to our neighborhood. Messy project but will be great when completed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hello!, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Get me out of here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tennis - Old School

Tennis - Old School, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Imagine playing a full Match with one of these racquets today, what a different game. Even though they are not very efficient on the court they certainly have a lot of character.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Here Kitty

Here Kitty, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

This kitten saw me and my dog coming a mile away and quickly took cover as we passed.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cacti Flower

Cacti Flower, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

We have had a lot of rain this year and the desert flowers are starting to bloom. This photo was taken in Arizona's McDowell Mountain Preserve.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Golden Era

A Golden Era, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I just finished restoring an old 1940's 16MM silent film projector. It was a fun project and now I can watch old Westerns and Abbott & Costello silent films. Films before the "Talkies" came along and ruined everything. Anybody have some old 16MM home movies they want to watch? Let me know.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lollipops Make Me Happy

Lollipops Make Me Happy, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

When I was young and got scared of the dark, my parents would tell me to think about what makes me happy. That was lollipops. I would lay in bed trying to focus, not on the monsters in my closet, but on all the different lollipop flavors and sizes; some with gum in the center others with tootsie roll filling. I don't eat nearly enough lollipops today, but whenever I see one it makes me recall that warm childhood memory. This is a portrait of my neighbor's daughter enjoying her lollipop.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back Alley Blues

Back Alley Blues, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

The thing I love most about photography is seeing things that you may have missed prior. Depending on one's personal mood, you see different things. I have walked by this alley at least a thousand times. I saw this for the first time this morning at sunrise.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bowling Shoes

Bowling Shoes, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I saw this pair of vintage bowling shoes and it brought back memories of bowling as a kid. I haven't bowled in years and I am now excited to get to the lanes and roll a few.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Vantentine's Day

Happy Vantentine's Day, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Happy Valentine's Day to my beautiful wife and to everybody.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Little Needling

A Little Needling, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

View from the top of a needle depository. The image really sticks with you. That may be my worst joke ever.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Breakfast Jack

Breakfast Jack, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Over the weekend I made eggs for breakfast. I prepared an extra one for Jack. I let it cool and put it on the floor for him to eat. He ate the egg really fast, less than 10 seconds, so I had to work fast. It's good to be a dog in our house.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jump & Chump

Jump & Chump, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I friend of mine from WI is in town visiting for the week. Him and I walked over to the skate park last night to check out the activities. I had him pose against the light post as one of the boarders cleared a self made jump. As the skaters landing he almost took out my buddy. The sacrifices one makes for art.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Pimp my Shrimp

Pimp my Shrimp, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

A Shrimp boat off the coast in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. It is a wonderful town in the Gulf. It is a really relaxing place and all the local are very friendly. And the seafood is amazing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Painter's Tools I

Painter's Tools I, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Some of the tool's a painter uses. These images were taken at the Celebration of Fine Art event in Scottsdale. It is a really unique event were you get to meet over 100 artists working in a studio environment. The event is open from January 16 through March 28, 2010 and is located in Scottsdale, Arizona on Southeast corner of Scottsdale Rd. and Mayo Blvd, just south of the Loop 101 off Exit 34, in the big white tents.

Painter's Tools II

Painter's Tools II, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Some of the tool's a painter uses. These images were taken at the Celebration of Fine Art event in Scottsdale. It is a really unique event were you get to meet over 100 artists working in a studio environment. The event is open from January 16 through March 28, 2010 and is located in Scottsdale, Arizona on Southeast corner of Scottsdale Rd. and Mayo Blvd, just south of the Loop 101 off Exit 34, in the big white tents.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Up, Up and Away

Up, Up and Away, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I had the opportunity to take a hot air balloon ride a few months ago and it was an amazing experience; so peaceful and calming. I got some great images that morning. This photo is an interior view of our balloon and was taken as we were climbing in altitude.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"It's a Little Over"

"It's a Little Over", originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

It's hard to find an old school meat shop these days. Seems like all the butcher shops have disappeared and what's left are the all-in-one supermarkets; all prepackaged. I found this shop where the guys have spent their life cutting meat and have made it their career. I started to wonder how many times he has said in his lifetime, "It's a little over".

Monday, January 18, 2010


Posing, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

I had the opportunity to photography this model at photography seminar a few weeks ago. My job was easy because she could not take a bad photo.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chef Beau MacMillan

Chef Beau MacMillan, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Chef Beau MacMillan, executive chef at elements at the Sanctuary Resort in Scottsdale made a quick appearance with the Travelocity Gnome at Crave Arizona.

Check out his new show, "Worst Cooks in American" on the Food Network. The show is really good and very funny -

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Mentalist

The Mentalist, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

Some of my favorite photography is just walking the city streets and seeing what you find. Always great characters out and about.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jack in the Sack

Jack in the Sack, originally uploaded by F-Stop Moods.

The holidays are draining. Jack got to spend New Year's Eve at his grandparent's house. When he returned the following night, exhausted, he curled up in Lauren's lap and immediately fell asleep.